Privacy Policy

In this document, we outline our privacy policy. This is to ensure you are fully away from the practices we used and how your personal information is handled.

  • General Information

    This policy outlines the steps taken to process personal data and safeguard the information of the site’s administrator.

    The most important goal for the site admin is the respect of human and civil rights and freedoms when processing personal data, including protection of privacy rights, personal and family secrets. This goal is adhered to at all times.

    This personal data processing policy of the Site admin (hereinafter referred to as the privacy policy) applies to all information that the Site admin can acquire about the visitors of this website via any channel.

Terms and definitions used in the privacy policy

Automated data processing — information processing using the software.

Personal data blocking — temporary termination of information processing (except for when processing is needed for personal data clarification).

Website — a combination of graphics and website code delivered via the internet.

Personal data information system — an all-encompassing system used to collect, store and manage persona data using database technology.

Anonymization of personal data — Processes that make it impossible to determine the identification of the person involved.

Personal data processing — any process or action that edits, imports, enters, or modifies personal data in any way possible. Essentially, anytime personal data is accessed and used.

Personal data — information that relates directly to a specific individual.

User — an individual user visiting this website.

Cookies — a small data file sent from the website to a user that is stored on their local computer. Cookies are used to offer a tailored experience for users.

By using this website, you agree that the site admin can collect the following information

Anonymized data about visitors, including the use of cookies, through external internet statistics services such as Google Analytics.

The site admin will also collect the following personal data:

  • Device IP address.

  • Web browser type used to access the website.

  • Web browser language used.

  • Display screen resolution.

  • The national timezone of the User.

  • Make, model and type of device used

  • The operating system of the device used to access the website.

  • Any email address submitted when using the website.

Purposes of personal data collection and processing

The primary purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to provide a user with a tailored, customized service based on their own preferences and browsing habits.

In addition to this, the site admin retains the right to notify the User about new services and products relating to the website in addition to new events and changes. An unsubscribe option is available if the User does not wish to receive such personalized notifications.

Anonymized data of individual users collected through this website is used to improve the services we offer. Utilizing data like this allows us to continually improve our content based on the habits and information we find relating to users.

Cookies and their usage

Primarily, the use of cookies is required for users to be able to use the websites and all their functions, for example, the access to personalized sections of the website, i.e. a user login. If they wish, the User can block the use of cookies via the automated message, or via their web browser settings. If this is the case, they must be aware this can affect the website functionality.

Analytical cookies are different from standard cookies – these collect and store information about users’ habits and how they access the website.

Analytical cookies allow the Site admin to access information about User’s preferences and likes to ultimately provide a tailored service to the User. For example, a cookie may show which website pages the User accesses the most, or spends the most time on – this would allow the site admin to promote these pages and provide a better browsing experience.

Cookies can be fully disabled via web browser settings. Please be aware that this will have an effect on the User’s browsing experience. We advise you to check the help section of the web browser and our help section to check the usefulness and purpose of cookies fully before taking any such action.

Third-party website affiliation

Throughout this website, there may be links to external third-party websites and services. Whilst this website may link to these sites, under no circumstance is the site admin or website responsible for the content, reliability, and accuracy of the third-party websites content.

We have no control over the content of third-party websites and therefore accept no liability if a user chooses to access these sites. For prudence, we advise that the users read the privacy policy and terms and conditions of the third-party websites before using their services.

Legal requirements for the collection and processing of personal data

The Site admin would process the User’s personal data only if it was filled in and/or sent by the User with their full discretion and consent via forms or email when using this website. Using any such form or submitting any such data automatically implies that the users have full read, understands, and consents to the terms in this privacy policy.

The site admin only collects and processes personal data if it was specifically allowed via the settings of the User’s web browser and accessing the device.

Framework for processing, storage, access, and transfer of personal data

The security of personal data processed by the Site admin is ensured by the professional implementation of legal, organizational, and technical measures necessary to fully comply with the current legal requirements in the field of personal data protection.

The site admin takes all possible measures to ensure the security of personal data where possible and to prevent access via unauthorized persons. Unless specifically agreed to by the User, personal information will never be distributed to a third-party organization unless it is specifically required by current data protection legislation.

If a user or the site admin detects any inaccuracies regarding personal data such as an address or email change, the site admin should be notified immediately so that the data can be updated.

There is no limit on the period for which personal data can be collected or processed. The period for processing is classed as unlimited. If a user wishes to stop data processing or collection, they must withdraw their consent via an email to the site admin titled “Withdrawal of consent for the processing of personal data.”

To ensure the security of personal data, the site admin where possible will undertake the following measures:

  • Personal data information is only accessed by people who specifically need it to provide services or help to the User.

  • All employees involved in the access and processing of personal data must sign a confidentiality agreement.

  • All business partners and any external companies involved in such similar activities are also to sign a confidentiality agreement.

  • All data transferals via a web browser use SSL encryption provided by a third-party security service.

  • All data received from users is also encrypted using such technology but also stored on secure databases that are protected against external threats.

Final privacy policy terms

This privacy policy is fully valid indefinitely unless it is replaced by an updated version. Any changes to the website’s personal data processing policy will be reflected in this document.

The site admin can change this privacy policy at will to reflect any changes in the website’s data policy. If significant changes are made that would drastically alter the usage and processing of personal information, the site admin must make an announcement so that users can easily access the changes.

We advise that the User should occasionally read this privacy policy to ensure a full understanding of how their personal data is used and to keep updated on changes.

Any changes made to the privacy policy, regardless of how small, come into effect as soon as they are published on the website.

The English version of this privacy policy is the only document that has legal ramifications. If the privacy policy is translated into other languages, it can be used for informational purposes only.